
Journal Articles

  1. Kampatzis, Aristotelis and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Diamantaras, Konstantinos and Ougiaroglou, Stefanos: Sentiment Dimensions and Intentions in Scientific Analysis: Multilevel Classification in Text and Citations, Electronics, Vol.13, N.9, 2024 [BibTex] [Link1]
  2. Lampropoulos, Georgios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis: Impact of Gamification on Students’ Learning Outcomes and Academic Performance: A Longitudinal Study Comparing Online, Traditional, and Gamified Learning, Education Sciences, Vol.14, N.4, 2024 [BibTex] [Link1]
  3. Stoupas, Georgios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Manolopoulos, Yannis: When universities rise (Rank) high into the skyline, COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, pp. 1–18, 2021 [BibTex] [Link1]
  4. Stoupas, Georgios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Gogoglou, Antonia and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Manolopoulos, Yannis: Rainbow Ranking: An adaptable, multidimensional ranking method for publication sets, Scientometrics, Vol.116, N.1, pp. 147-160, 2018 [BibTex] [Link1]
  5. Gogoglou A., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: The Fractal Dimension of a Citation Curve: Quantifying an Individual's Scientific Output Using the Geometry of the Entire Curve, Scientometrics, Vol.111, N.3, pp. 1751-1774, 2017 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  6. Sidiropoulos A., Gogoglou A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Gazing at the Skyline for Star Scientists, Journal of Informetrics, Vol.10, N.3, pp. 789-813, 2016 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  7. Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Ranking and Identifying Influential Scientists vs. Mass Producers by the Perfectionism Index, Scientometrics, Vol.103, N.1, pp. 1-31, 2015 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  8. Stamos, Konstantinos and Pallis, George and Vakali, Athena and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: CDNSim: A Simulation Tool for Content Distribution Networks, ACM Transactions On Modeling And Computer Simulation, Vol.20, N.2, 2010 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  9. Katsaros, Dimitrios and Pallis, George and Stamos, Konstantinos and Vakali, Athena and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: CDNs Content Outsourcing via Generalized Communities, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering Journal (TKDE), Vol.21, N.1, 2009 [BibTex] [local copy 1]
  10. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Pallis, George and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Stamos, Konstantinos and Vakali, Athena and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: Prefetching in Content Distribution Networks via Web Communities Identification and Outsourcing, World Wide Web, Vol.11, N.1, pp. 39-70, 2008 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  11. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: Generalized Hirsch h-index for Disclosing Latent Facts in Citation Networks, Scientometrics, Vol.72, N.2, 2007 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  12. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yiannis : Generalized Comparison of Graph-based Ranking Algorithms for Publications and Authors, Journal of Systems & Software, Vol.79, N.12, pp. 1679-1700, 2006 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  13. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: A New Perspective to Automatically Rank Scientific Conferences Using Digital Libraries, Information Processing & Management, Vol.41, N.2, pp. 22-29, 2005 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  14. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: A Citation-Based System to Assist Prize Awarding, ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol.34, N.4, pp. 54-60, 2005 [BibTex] [Link1] [Link2] [local copy 3]

Conference Proceedings

  1. Malliaridis, Konstantinos and Ougiaroglou, Stefanos and Dervos, Dimitris A. and Bratsas, Charalampos and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Diamantaras, Konstantinos: Automatic Dataset Type Recognition for Association Rule Mining, Proceedings of the 13th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, New York, NY, USA, 2024, ISBN 9798400709821 [BibTex] [Link1]
  2. Stoupas, Georgios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis: A Novel Method for University Ranking: Bounded Skyline, (eds.: Chiusano, Silvia and Cerquitelli, Tania and Wrembel, Robert and Norvaag, Kjetil and Catania, Barbara and Vargas-Solar, Genoveva and Zumpano, Ester), New Trends in Database and Information Systems, pp. 287--298, Cham, 2022, ISBN 978-3-031-15743-1 [BibTex] [Link1]
  3. Stoupas, Georgios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis: Multi-dimensional Ranking via Majorization, 25th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pp. 276--286, 2021 [BibTex] [Link1]
  4. Stoupas, Georgios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Manolopoulos, Yannis: Ranking Universities via Clustering, 18th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics, 2021 [BibTex] [local copy 1]
  5. Kelesidis, Konstantinos and Dervos, Dimitris and Sidiropoulos, Antonis: Quantifying the Difficulty of Academic Course Modules, 24th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2020), November 20--22, 2020, Athens, Greece, 2020 [BibTex]
  6. Sidiropoulos, Antonis: Scientometrics and the evaluation of researchers and institutes, 1st Internal Conference on Research and Innovation, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, 2020 [BibTex]
  7. Stoupas, Georgios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Manolopoulos, Yannis: Skyline-based University Rankings, ADBIS, TPDL and EDA 2020 Common Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, pp. 347--352, Cham, 2020, ISBN 978-3-030-55814-7 [BibTex] [Link1]
  8. Sideris, Georgios and Katsaros,Dimitrios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yannis: The Science of Science and a Multilayer Network Approach to Scientists’ Ranking, Proceedings of 22nd International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS 2018), Villa San Giovanni, Italy, 2018 [BibTex]
  9. Sidiropoulos A., Stoupas G., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: The Rainbow over the Greek Departments of Computer Science/Engineering: a Bibliometric Study, Proceedings of the 21st Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI'2017), pp. , Larissa, Greece, 2017 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  10. Stoupas G., Sidiropoulos A., Gogoglou A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y..: A Rainbow at the Skyline after the Storm of Indicators for Ranking Scientists, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics (ISSI'2017), pp. , Wuhan, China, 2017 [BibTex] [local copy 1]
  11. Gogoglou A., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros A., Manolopoulos Y.: Quantifying an Individual's Scientific Output Using the Fractal Dimension of the Whole Citation Curve, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics & Scientometrics (WIS'2016), pp. , Nancy, France, 2016 [BibTex] [local copy 1]
  12. Gogoglou A., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: A Scientist's Impact over Time: the Predictive Power of Clustering with Peers, Proceedings of the 20th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium (IDEAS'2016), pp. 334-339, Montreal, Canada, 2016 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  13. Gogoglou A., Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Bibliometric Indices for the Assessment of the Citation Curve Tail, Proceedings of the 20th Panhellenic Conference in Informatics (PCI'2015), pp. 305-310, Athens, Greece, 2015 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  14. Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: Novel Scientific Indicators to Characterize an Individual's Scientific Research Output, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Trends & Applications in Computer Science & Information Technology (RTA-CSIT'2014), pp. 275-284, Tirana, Albania, 2014 [BibTex] [local copy 1]
  15. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Manolopoulos, Yannis: Identification of Influential Scientists versus Mass Producers by the Perfectionism Index, Proceedings of the Second Annual KnowEscape Conference – KnowEscape2014, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2014 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  16. Katsaros, Dimitrios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: Age Decaying H-index for Social Networks of Citations, Proceedings Workshop on Social Aspects of the Web (SAW'2007) (In conjunction with BIS'2007), Poznan, 2007 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  17. Pallis, George and Stamos, Konstantinos and Vakali, Athena and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: Replication based on Objects Load under a Content Distribution Network, Proceedings 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Challenges in Web Information Retrieval & Integration (WIRI'2006) (In conjunction with ICDE'2006), pp. 172-180, Atlanta, GA, 2006 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  18. Sidiropoulos, Antonis: Finding Communities in Site Web-Graphs and Citation Graphs, Local Proceedings of the 10th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases & Information Systems (ADBIS'2006), pp. 75-90, 2006 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  19. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: Generalized h-index for Revealing Latent Facts in Social Networks of Citations, Proceedings 4th ACM International Workshop on Link Analysis: Dynamics & Statics of Large Networks (LinkKDD'2006), (In conjunction with ACM KDD'06), Philadelphia, PA, 2006 [BibTex] [local copy 1]
  20. Pallis, George and Vakali, Athena and Stamos, Konstantinos and Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Katsaros, Dimitrios and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: A Latency-based Object Placement Approach in Content Distribution Networks, Proceedings 3rd IEEE Latin American Web Congress (LA-Web'2005), pp. 140-147, Buenos Aires, 2005 [BibTex] [Link1] [local copy 2]
  21. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Katsaros, Dimitrios: Updating Web Views Distributed over Wide Area Networks, Proceedings 1st Balkan Conference on Informatics (BCI'2003), pp. 267-279, Thessaloniki, 2003 [BibTex] [local copy 1]
  22. Sidiropoulos, Antonis and Manolopoulos, Yiannis: Automatically Ranking Scientific Conferences using Digital Libraries, Proceedings 9th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI'2003), pp. 446-461, Thessaloniki, 2003 [BibTex] [local copy 1]


  1. Sidiropoulos Antonis: Introduction to Operating Systems - by using and programming the shell Second Edition. Tziolas Publications, 2023. isbn: 9786182210284
  2. Sidiropoulos Antonis: Introduction to Operating Systems - by using and programming the shell - Laboratory Guide. Hellenic Academic Ebooks, 2015. isbn: 978-960-603-108-3

Other publications

  1. Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: "Existence and Discovery of Communities in the World Wide Web", Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, (Goran D. Putnik and Maria Manuela Cunha, eds.), IDEA Group Publishing, 2008.
  2. Sidiropoulos A., Katsaros D., Manolopoulos Y.: "A Survey of Link Analysis Ranking", Encyclopedia of Networked and Virtual Organizations, (Goran D. Putnik and Maria Manuela Cunha, eds.), IDEA Group Publishing, 2008.

Research / Technical Documents

  1. SCEAS (Scientific Collection Evaluator with Advanced Scoring).
  2. Generalized Comparison of Graph-based Ranking Algorithms for Publications and Authors (Technical Report)
  3. Antonis Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios Katsaros, Yannis Manolopoulos. "Generalized h-index for Disclosing Latent Facts in Citation Networks", Technical Report, July, 2006.    [pdf]
    This article is also cited in Wikipedia, here
    Some of the article's ideas have been implemented here
  4. Antonis Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios Katsaros, "Unfolding the Full Potential of H-Index for Bibliographic Ranking", Technical Report, 2006.

Phd Thesis

Msc Thesis

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