A. Graduation Theses
B. Journal Publications
C. International Conferences
D. National / Regional Conferences
E. Technical Reports / Presentations
F. Submitted / Under Preparation
Graduation Theses
- Adamidis P., Two Dimensional Digital Filters and
Image Processing, MSc Thesis, Dept. of Computer Science and
Dept. of Electrical Eng., Strathclyde Univ., Scotland, UK, 1987
- Adamidis P., Co-operating populations. Improving
the performance of Parallel Genetic Algorithms with Co-opearting
Populations with Different Evolution behavior, Ph.D. Thesis,
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng., Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki,
Greece, Feb. 1997
In Greek: chapters 1-4,
chapters 5-6, chapters 7-end
Summary available in English
Journal Publications
- Adamidis P., Petridis V., Parallelization
ofNeural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, International
Journal of Computer Mathematics, vol 67, No 3-4, pp. 105-125,
- Adamidis P., HIV/AIDS: Use of Internet as
information source, Hellenic Archive of AIDS,
vol 6, No 1, Jan-March 1998 (In Greek)
- Adamidis P., Kostoglou V., Experimental Study of
Local Selection on Evolutionary
Course Timetabling, Cyprus Journal of Sciences, vol 7, 2009,
pp. 53-64.
- Kostoglou V., Adamidis P., Analyzing the
of Higher Education Graduates and Detecting the Effecting Factors,
Cyprus Journal of Sciences, vol 8, 2010, pp.73-88.
- Adamidis P., Kinigopoulos G., EvoWebReg:
Web-based course
registration and optimization of student personal schedules with
Evolutionary Algorithms. International Journal of Operations
and Information Systems (IJORIS).
International Conferences
- Petridis V., Adamidis P., Margaritis
K.G., On the
Realization of Back-Propagation on a Transputer Based System,
of the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'93),
p. 1085, Sept. 1993, Amsterdam, Springer-Verlag
- Adamidis P., Petridis V., Co-operating
Populations with Different Evolution Behavior,
Proceedings of
1996 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary
Computation (ICEC '96), May 20-22, 1996, p. 188-191, Nagoya,
- Adamidis P., Arapakis P., Weekly lecture
timetabling with Genetic Algorithms, 2nd
International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated
Timetabling, August 1997, Toronto, Canada
- Adamidis P., Kazarlis S., Petridis V., Advanced methods for evolutionary
optimisation, LSS'98, 8th
Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications,
July 15 -17, 1998, University of Patras, Greece
- Adamidis P., Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms: A
Review, HERCMA'98, 4th Hellenic-European Conference on
Computer Mathematics and its Applications, Sept 24-26, 1998, Athens,
- Adamidis P., Arapakis P., Evolutionary
Algorithms in Lecture Timetabling, Congress
Evolutionary Computation, July 6-9, 1999, Washington D.C., USA
- P. Adamidis, K. Koukoulakis, Evolutionary Data Mining applied
to TV Databases: A First Approach, ACAI'99
(Advanced Course
on Artificial Intelligence) workshop on Data Mining
- Adamidis P., Poulidis P., Fahantidis N., Course
Timetabling with Evolutionary Algorithms, Effects of Local Selection,
EURO2001- The European Operational Research Conference, July 9-11 2001,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Adamidis P., Petridis V., On Modelling
Evolutionary Algorithm Implementations through Co-operating Populations,
Procs of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 7th International
Conference, Granada, Spain, Sept. 2002, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol 2439, 321-330, Springer-Verlag
- P. Raptis, V. Vitsas, K. Paparrizos, P. Chatzimisios A. C.
Boucouvalas and P. Adamidis, Packet Delay Modeling of IEEE
802.11 Wireless LANs, invited paper, Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies,
Systems and Applications (CITSA 2005), vol. I, pp. 71-76, Orlando,
Florida, USA, 14-17 July 2005
- Adamidis P., Vrettas M., and Kazarlis S., Exam
Timetabling with Parallel Evolutionary Algorithms: Comparison of
different selection methods, Euro XXII – 22nd European
Conference in Operational Research, Prague, July 8-11 2007
- Kazarlis S., Petridis V., Adamidis P., and
Fragkou P., Evolutionary Timetabling with a Priority-Based
Representation, Euro XXII – 22nd European Conference in
Operational Research, Prague, July 8-11 2007
- P. Adamidis, G. Kinigopoulos, Optimization of student personal course schedules with Evolutionary Algorithms. Accepted to 1st International Symposium and 10th Balkan Conf. on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-24 Sept. 2011
National/Regional Conferences
- Petridis V., Adamidis P., Margaritis
K.G., On the
Simulation of
Artificial Neural Networks, Sixth
Conference of the
Greek Union of Physisists, March 1993, Greece.
- Adamidis P., Parallel
Evolutionary Algorithms: A Review, HERCMA'98,
Hellenic-European Conference on Computer Mathematics and its
Applications, Sept 24-26, 1998, Athens, Greece
Technical Reports / Presentations
Submitted / Under Preparation
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